Psychology of Career Counseling: New Challenges for a New Era
Annamaria Di Fabio (Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Italy) and Jacobus Gideon Maree (University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)
Book Description:
This Festschrift in honor of Prof. Mark L. Savickas, the world’s leading researcher, scholar, and thinker in the fields of Vocational Psychology and Career Counseling, celebrates his pivotal role in articulating a new framework for career counseling for the 21st century; one that can be used to help clients choose careers and design successful lives. His contribution to these fields has immense theoretical and practical value for all of us involved in helping clients not only choose jobs in a linear manner but, more importantly, construct careers by imposing meaning on their career-related behavior experiences, and designing successful lives (Savickas, 2005; 2011). This is an advanced text that identifies and reflects the enormous global interest in Mark Savickas’ work. The volume is located in a narrative, storied paradigm, promoting the notion of enabling people to design successful lives and make social contributions. Individually and collectively, the authors elaborate on the shift in career counseling towards a contemporary, contextualized approach built on respect and striving to promote career adaptability, thereby exploiting change and its effects. Emphasis is placed on identifying deep-seated strengths and motives in clients and on using innovative techniques to empower clients to a) reflect on their career and life stories, and b) reflect on these reflections to initiate appropriate action because magic is bound to occur when clients begin to move (Savickas, 2011). The authors describe action in terms of three steps: constructing a meaningful perspective in which possibilities become available; devising a life design to enable clients to achieve these possibilities; and, eventually, accomplishing these possibilities through action. Taken together, this book provides a priceless resource for health-care professionals in general and those of us working in the twin fields of guidance and counseling in particular. The text is recommended for scholars, academics, researchers, psychologists, social workers, teachers, and postgraduate students. (Imprint: Nova)
Table of Contents:
Preface pp. i-xxx
Chapter 1. Career Construction and Life Design: Heralding a New Beginning to Career Counseling in the 21st Century
(Annamaria Di Fabio, Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Italy, and Jacobus G. Maree, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)pp. 1-14
Chapter 2. Career Construction Counseling
(Paul J. Hartung, Department of Family and Community Medicine, Northeast Ohio Medical University, Rootstown, OH, USA) pp. 15-28
Chapter 3. Career Counseling and Life Meaning: A New Perspective of Life Designing for Research and Applications
(Jean-Luc Bernaud, INETOP-CNAM, Paris, France)pp. 29-40
Chapter 4. What Competencies do People Living in Liquid Societies Need in Order to Design their Lives and Direct their Careers?
(Jean Guichard, Institut National d’Etude du Travail et d’Orientation Professionnelle, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Rrue Gay Lussac, Paris, France)pp. 41-60
Chapter 5. The Role of Narratives in Career Counseling: Career as Story
(Mark C. Rehfuss, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA)pp. 61-68
Chapter 6. The Role of Audience in Life Design
(William C. Briddick and Hande Sensoy-Briddick, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD, USA)pp. 69-82
Chapter 7. Applying Career Construction in Group-based Contexts with Adults
(Annamaria Di Fabio, Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Italy)pp. 83-100
Chapter 8. The Counseling Needs of Employed Adults: Implication for Career Counseling
(Marijke Verbruggen, Nicky Dries and Annelies van Vianen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)pp. 101-116
Chapter 9. The Theory of Career Adaptability
(Jennifer J. Del Corso, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA)pp. 117-130
Chapter 10. Investigating the Usefulness of the Career Construction Genogram for the 21st Century: A Case Study
(Annamaria Di Fabio and Letizia Palazzeschi, Department of Psychology, University of Florence, Italy) pp. 131-148
Chapter 11. The Career Construction Interview and its Use in Career Counseling
(Brian J. Taber, Oakland University, Rochester, MI, USA)pp. 149-162
Chapter 12. Assessing Interests: A Career Construction Perspective
(Susan R. Barclay, The University of Central Arkansas, Conway, AR, USA)pp. 163-180
Chapter 13. Techniques in Career Construction Counseling
(Kevin B. Stoltz, The University of Mississippi, MS, USA)pp. 181-192
Chapter 14. Applying Career Construction: A Career Counseling Course for College Students
(Tracy M. Lara, Kent State University, OH, USA)pp. 193-206
Chapter 15. Assessing Career Adaptability Using the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale
(Kevin Glavin and Carolyn Berger, Australian Catholic University, Sydney, Australia, and others)pp. 207-220
Chapter 16. The Practice of Career Adaptability: Addressing Clients’ Career-related Concerns
(Jennifer J. Del Corso, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA)pp. 221-238
Chapter 17. Using a Combined Quantitative-Qualitative Approach to Career Counseling for a Student in the Natural Sciences: A Longitudinal Case Study
(J. G. Maree, Department of Educational Psychology, Faculty of Education, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, South Africa)pp. 239-264
Chapter 18 Conclusion pp. 265-270
Index pp. 271-281
Psychology of Emotions, Motivations and Actions
Binding: Hardcover
Pub. Date: 2013
Pages: 311, 7×10 – (NBC-C)
ISBN: 978-1-62808-272-2
Status: AV
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