Having been active in sustained service delivery to impoverished and disadvantaged rural regions and provinces such as Limpopo Province for a number of years, I have consistently linked my academic and professional training to designing and delivering development to rural areas – notably in the field of Educational Psychology (including the Psychology of Mathematics Education).

I have been engaged since 2001 in work in Narrative Career Counselling which, I hope, will become the model for Career Counselling throughout South Africa – especially to severely impoverished and disadvantaged areas in which it has already been tried and tested and shown to produce remarkable results. I have been instrumental in getting the University of Pretoria’s Education Faculty to create opportunities for rural and disadvantaged students with promise and potential to enroll at the University of Pretoria to train as teachers.

Transformation is one of my main ambitions and I am pursuing this aim by extending my research projects to Gauteng, North-West, Mpumalanga and Limpopo. If anyone is interested n collaborative research or if you have something to contribute (e.g. ideas to make a difference, making funding available for e.g. Vegetable gardens in impoverished regions or at AIDS Clinics), please contact me?

For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.

( St. Francis of Assisi )

( Conversely, go to YouTube and search for “Kobus Maree” to find the video-clip. )

Innovating Counseling for Self- and Career Construction


This book has been published and is now available from Springer and from various bookstores

(traditional stores as well as online stores).

It is available here.

Customers can order it via this link.

Psychology of Career Adaptability, Employability and Resilience

Brings together the views of academics, career counselling theorists and practitioners
Combines the three constructs of career adaptability, employability, and career resilience
Presents perspectives and theory on how to deal with workplace transition insecurity

Prof. Kobus Maree and colleagues’ latest scholarly book by Springer appeared a few days ago

(please see flyer below for details).

Click here for more info on the book!


Prof. Kobus Maree and Prof. Annamaria Di Fabio’s latest scholarly book

(co-authored by 28 of the leading authors in the field of career counselling in the world)


( Click to download the book’s flyer! )

( Read a review about the book written by Liz Whitaker )


Counselling for career construction

Click here to download the complete cover design or the flyer.


Shaping the Story

A Guide to Reflective career counselling

Click to read about the DVD!


Psychology of Career Counseling: New Challenges for a New Era

Click to read Prof Maree’s advice on how to deal with less than optimal Grade 12 marks.
‘Excellent subject and career choice resources, as well as guidance on managing your career trajectory after completing your initial studies, can be found here:
GRAD — Student Resources

Please join me in thanking the author, Mrs Ruda Landman, whom we all remember for her contributions to journalism (e.g., Carte Blanche), for providing us with these outstanding resources. Every student, prospective student, or graduate will benefit immensely from them. Ruda, you are one of a kind, and it is deeply inspiring to learn that you are still as inspirational and courageous as ever. Thank you so much.



Special Issue: Innovative and integrative career construction counseling for enhancing the existential experience of gifted and talented learners

Guest Editor: Professor Kobus Maree, University of Pretoria

Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2024

Download PDF for more info or visit here


Time to choose a career? A psychologist offers tips on the journey after high school

Click here to read the article at theconversation.com

Coping with exams during a pandemic

Prof Kobus Maree of the Department of Educational Psychology offers lecturers advice on how to check in on their emotions during exam time in the midst of all the challenges brought about by COVID-19.

Click to read more

The CIP assessment is available on the JvR Online system

JvR CPD courses

Degree, diploma, or certificate which of these qualifications offers the students their ‘best’ chance in the occupational world?

Prof Maree receives the PsySSA Award for Fellowship 2017
This prize is awarded in recognition of a significant contribution to psychological science by a current or past scholar or team of scholars.
Prof Maree has been appointed as Professor Extraordinaire
Prof Maree has been appointed as Professor Extraordinaire in the Faculty of Education, University of Stellenbosch.

Prof. Maree was awarded the Psychological Association of SA Lifetime Award

Prof. Maree was awarded the Psychological Association of SA Lifetime Award in recognition of a person that has dedicated his life to Psychology in South Africa at the Pan African Psychology Congress in Durban on 19 September 2017

The article ‘Why career counselling is more valuable now than ever before‘ has been published on The Conversation.

RElated Sites


Recent Interviews with Prof Maree

UP EXPERT OPINION - ‘There’s reason to remain upbeat about the future’ – UP educational psychology expert to matriculants at career crossroads ‘Moenie leerlinge met bangpraatjies wegdryf van wiskunde’ Education crisis looms in 2025 as budget cuts threaten teachers’...

Copyright notice

All documents (including photographs on this website) are strictly copyrighted. Please note that all photographs were taken by Anton Maree.

“The secret”

(performed by Victor and Adeline Twigge after adapting an idea and a song written by Kobus Maree and changing the melody)